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Guild Message of the Day : 08/24/2003

Guild slaughters in UP .=)

WTG FoB ^ ^ Sunday August 24'th FoB took down the following mobs in UP: Zelnithak, Spirit of Tawro, and Spirit of Radir. Only crashed once on Zel cause WW had the tunnel for RC >.< But we got him in the end. We got nice loot as well ^ ^. On guildmotd when you log in. Grats to Jolee, Darkantos, and Phera on loot =). O and also. I would like everyone to go for straight level exp for the week till next weekend. Hoping to do CT next weekend ;). So do some research and may wanna check zone out b4 then. Try to get some Exp though =) Specially the 55 clerics ^ ^. Welp, tired after a long day of raiding =) Much fun though ^ ^. Night everyone. And will see ya in game ~Vorifex~ .